Spring Show Volunteer Opportunities Saturday, March 29, 2025

To signup you must either login or provide a first name, last name, and email address. Login

You should have access to this email account and be able to receive emails related to this volunteering opportunity.

It's funny, but robots don't seem to be able to do simple math.
Show Meals

Volunteer to help set up, feed the cast and crew, and clean up or donate money to help purchase the food. Donate to help cover meals served to the casts and crew when they are called late for rehearsals or performances. We recommend donating $5-10/meal you would like to cover. Send donations via Venmo (@STC-BoosterClub).  You may log 1 hour of volunteer time for each $10 donated.  Volunteers report to the concessions area of The Betsy lobby.  

Volunteer to help set up, feed the cast and crew, and clean up. You must be registered with the district to volunteer (https://austinisd.voly.org/volunteer/home.html)
1 out of 2 filled.
Signed Up: shari denman (1)

Monetary Donation
Feeding the cast is a convenience provided to our STC families, but it is not paid for by the Booster Club. Each meal costs $5-10/student, so please either donate items accordingly, or make a cash donation to cover your child's meals. Send donations via Venmo (@STC-BoosterClub), and please note "Show Meals" in the memo. You may log 1 hour of volunteer time for each $10 donated.
Donate to Show Meals
4 out of 150 filled.
Signed Up: Jeanette Cannata-Grahmann (1), Laura Del Favero (1), Tali Wildman (2)

Showtime Volunteers

All volunteers must be registered with the district (https://austinisd.voly.org/volunteer/home.html).

Sell Concessions
Report to the concessions area of The Betsy lobby.
2 out of 2 filled.
Signed Up: Amy Bujanos (1), Laura Del Favero (1)

2 out of 2 filled.
Signed Up: Amy Bujanos (1), Laura Del Favero (1)

Sell Merchandise
report to The Betsy lobby; sell merch; ask customers to note "merch" in the memo for any Venmo payments
1 out of 1 filled.
Signed Up: Jeanette Cannata-Grahmann (1)

1 out of 1 filled.
Signed Up: Shellie Withrow (1)

1 out of 1 filled.
Signed Up: Madeline Enriquez (1)